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If Biden Wants to Turn the Page From Trump, He Should Support Palestinian Freedom. Here Are 2 Immediate Steps. – Biden brings a career-long history of supporting Israel's aggression against Palestinians. That must end now.

In Novem­ber 2020, Mike Pom­peo announced the State Department’s intent to cre­ate a black­list of, and pro­hib­it fund­ing to, groups that sup­port the boy­cott, divest­ment and sanc­tion (BDS) move­ment for Pales­tin­ian free­dom. BDS is a glob­al move­ment that tar­gets Israel’s human rights abus­es of Pales­tini­ans, employ­ing tac­tics sim­i­lar to those used by the anti-apartheid move­ment in South Africa. Pom­peo made this announce­ment after becom­ing the top U.S. offi­cial to vis­it one of Israel’s ille­gal settlements.

On the heels of elec­toral defeat, this action from the wan­ing Trump admin­is­tra­tion is a last gasp for rel­e­van­cy and a final effort to push through shock doc­trine poli­cies on Israel that have char­ac­ter­ized the last four years. 

While we may feel relief know­ing that Trump will soon be stripped of his access to the nuclear codes, we must remem­ber that Pres­i­dent-elect Joe Biden rep­re­sents an entrenched pow­er struc­ture poised to con­tin­ue failed poli­cies that hurt so many of our com­mu­ni­ties. This includes Biden’s career-long his­to­ry of sup­port­ing Israel’s aggres­sion toward Palestinians. 

Though the pro­gres­sive wave in the House has been an encour­ag­ing devel­op­ment, and Geor­gia now appears to have hand­ed Democ­rats the Sen­ate in a his­toric runoff, Pales­tini­ans have only a hand­ful of allies in Congress.

Nonethe­less, Pales­tini­ans and our pro­gres­sive allies have no choice but to try to push the incom­ing Biden admin­is­tra­tion — and to make our oft-ignored voic­es heard. 

Any change in poli­cies relat­ed to Pales­tine will require Biden to lis­ten to Pales­tini­ans, some­thing that nei­ther he nor past U.S. pres­i­dents have done in a gen­uine way. And then he must drown out the intense pres­sure that the Israel lob­by is exert­ing on him to con­tin­ue the dev­as­ta­tion that Trump wrought — from set­tle­ments to Jerusalem to UNR­WA to domes­tic poli­cies that attack our rights to talk about and orga­nize against what Israel has done and is doing to Palestinians. 

If Biden does show the courage it takes to lis­ten to Pales­tini­ans, he will hear that we are a peo­ple who have been denied self-deter­mi­na­tion and free­dom for far too long. He will hear that we live under a mil­i­tary occu­pa­tion in the West Bank and Jerusalem, a dead­ly siege in Gaza, an unequal and dis­crim­i­na­to­ry sys­tem for Pales­tin­ian cit­i­zens of Israel, in per­pet­u­al state­less­ness and in refugee camps around the world, all with the com­plic­i­ty of the Unit­ed States. 

And he’ll also hear that we live under an occu­pa­tion of our voic­es and our nar­ra­tives every­where we go. 

That means that even as a grow­ing grass­roots move­ment has increased aware­ness about how Israel has been con­struct­ed on decades of dis­pos­ses­sion and sub­ju­ga­tion of Pales­tini­ans, Israel and its allies are doing every­thing in their pow­er to shut the move­ment down, silence us, and dis­cred­it our voic­es and efforts to achieve justice. 

There are two pri­ma­ry tools that Israel and its allies are using to achieve this: push­ing mea­sures to define Pales­tine advo­ca­cy as anti­se­mit­ic, and mak­ing false accu­sa­tions of sup­port for ter­ror­ism. Both of these, as deployed in the U.S., are under­min­ing fun­da­men­tal con­sti­tu­tion­al First Amend­ment rights, as my orga­ni­za­tion, Pales­tine Legal, has doc­u­ment­ed.

If Biden tru­ly wants to live up to his man­date to repu­di­ate Trump’s anti-demo­c­ra­t­ic poli­cies, he needs to do the fol­low­ing to pro­tect not just our con­sti­tu­tion­al rights to call for Pales­tin­ian free­dom, but our moral oblig­a­tion to do so as well.

1. Undo Trump’s exec­u­tive order that silences Pales­tin­ian voices. 

This is not an easy ask, because the exec­u­tive order, issued in Decem­ber 2019, is called ​Com­bat­ing Anti-Semi­tism,” and dozens of pro-Israel orga­ni­za­tions are lob­by­ing Biden to keep it and Trump’s oth­er pro-Israel moves intact. The order adopts a politi­cized and wide­ly crit­i­cized rede­f­i­n­i­tion of anti­semitism, and requires fed­er­al exec­u­tive agen­cies to con­sid­er this rede­f­i­n­i­tion in apply­ing anti-dis­crim­i­na­tion laws. 

The def­i­n­i­tion that the exec­u­tive order adopts lists 11 exam­ples of anti­semitism, sev­en of which ref­er­ence crit­i­cisms of Israel. One exam­ple states that call­ing Israel a ​racist endeav­or” is antisemitic. 

For Pales­tini­ans and our sup­port­ers, this means that if we crit­i­cize the racist foun­da­tions or the sys­tem­at­ic actions of a state that has expelled and oppressed us pre­cise­ly because we are not Jew­ish, we are to be deemed anti-Jew­ish. The def­i­n­i­tion thus con­flates cri­tiques of the state of Israel and its poli­cies with anti-Jew­ish ani­mus. Such a con­fla­tion has been reject­ed by human rights advo­cates around the world, among them Jews who object to being equat­ed with the bad behav­ior of an occu­py­ing state.

We know the pur­pose of this def­i­n­i­tion is to cen­sor Pales­tin­ian voic­es and expe­ri­ences because we’ve seen it in action, weaponized against stu­dents who want­ed to hold a vig­il mourn­ing Jew­ish and Pales­tin­ian lives togeth­er, and used to cen­sor a cam­pus talk about Pales­tin­ian rights by a promi­nent inter­na­tion­al human rights lawyer.

We also know that Trump is not inter­est­ed in com­bat­ting the very anti­semitism that he and his white suprema­cist fol­low­ers helped to stoke. His admin­is­tra­tion has shown, rather, that its ulti­mate aim is to sup­port Israel’s agen­da of total annex­a­tion of all of his­tor­i­cal Pales­tine, total anni­hi­la­tion of Pales­tin­ian self deter­mi­na­tion, and total dom­i­na­tion of the region. 

Biden needs to undo this exec­u­tive order for the same rea­son that Con­gress declined to pass sim­i­lar leg­is­la­tion twice already: because its imple­men­ta­tion would under­mine our free speech rights and aca­d­e­m­ic free­dom on col­lege campuses.

And Biden also needs to undo the exec­u­tive order so that Pales­tini­ans have a chance to be heard with­out being bom­bard­ed with alle­ga­tions of anti­semitism by those who have no qualms about deny­ing our very exis­tence and humanity. 

It is imper­a­tive that we resist these efforts to paint Pales­tini­ans work­ing for their free­dom from occu­pa­tion as ​dis­crim­i­na­to­ry,” an effort iron­i­cal­ly led by a state found­ed on the suprema­cy of set­tlers over an indige­nous population. 

Let us reject the ​alter­na­tive facts” that Israel and its allies are try­ing to cre­ate, and hear what Pales­tini­ans and their allies are real­ly work­ing towards: free­dom, jus­tice and equal­i­ty for all. 

2. Reject the ​ter­ror­ism” frame­work that threat­ens all of our jus­tice movements.

Pro­vi­sions of the PATRI­OT Act and oth­er laws that pro­hib­it pro­vid­ing ​mate­r­i­al sup­port” to groups des­ig­nat­ed by the U.S. gov­ern­ment as ​ter­ror­ist” are part of a legal régime used wide­ly to crim­i­nal­ize any Pales­tin­ian resis­tance—includ­ing human­i­tar­i­an aid—to Israel’s col­o­niza­tion and occu­pa­tion of our home­land. And pro-Israel groups are try­ing to stretch this régime fur­ther to crim­i­nal­ize all speech for Pales­tin­ian free­dom, even col­lege sem­i­nars.

A broad rejec­tion of this ​ter­ror­ism” frame­work will require a much big­ger effort, but Biden can start by issu­ing reg­u­la­tions to make clear that polit­i­cal advo­ca­cy is pro­tect­ed by the First Amend­ment. As an ear­ly fix, Biden must clar­i­fy through reg­u­la­to­ry means that advo­ca­cy for Pales­tin­ian rights, which Israel and its allies have been try­ing to crim­i­nal­ize, is not grounds for pros­e­cu­tion by the Biden or any oth­er administration. 

Ulti­mate­ly, the Biden admin­is­tra­tion must oppose a num­ber of far-reach­ing attacks against free expres­sion. In addi­tion to accu­sa­tions of anti­semitism based on the def­i­n­i­tion above, accu­sa­tions of sup­port for ter­ror­ism are becom­ing more com­mon, and are rais­ing the stakes for our speech activ­i­ties in sup­port of Pales­tin­ian rights. 

This is only pos­si­ble because mate­r­i­al sup­port for ter­ror­ism laws have been inter­pret­ed so broad­ly that pro­vid­ing a human rights train­ing to a group des­ig­nat­ed by our gov­ern­ment as ​ter­ror­ist” is con­sid­ered crim­i­nal ​sup­port” for ter­ror­ism, under the the­o­ry that it frees up resources for the group to com­mit vio­lent acts against civilians. 

And if Israel has its way, pure speech and asso­ci­a­tion too will be swept into this already dan­ger­ous­ly broad law. 

That’s why groups like the Shu­rat HaDin — Israel Law Cen­ter are tar­get­ing the fundrais­ing plat­forms of human rights advo­ca­cy groups, threat­en­ing them with mate­r­i­al sup­port for ter­ror­ism lia­bil­i­ty based on false and high­ly atten­u­at­ed guilt by asso­ci­a­tion claims. (Shu­rat HaDin is said to be con­nect­ed with the Mossad, Israel’s spy agency, and one of the organization’s lawyers was con­vict­ed for a shoot­ing attack on Pales­tin­ian civilians.)

It’s also why Israel lob­by groups are urg­ing the Depart­ment of Jus­tice to inves­ti­gate Black Lives Mat­ter groups because of their sol­i­dar­i­ty with Pales­tini­ans. It’s why a stu­dent was vis­it­ed by the FBI at his school because of Face­book posts he made crit­i­ciz­ing Israel. And it’s why pro-Israel groups, along with some of our own elect­ed offi­cials, are now try­ing to get the gov­ern­ment to inves­ti­gate an open class­room at San Fran­cis­co State Uni­ver­si­ty dis­cussing gen­der and resis­tance in the South African, Black and Pales­tin­ian free­dom strug­gles as ​crim­i­nal.”

It is in the spir­it of the ris­ing call for abo­li­tion—of racist police forces, of the ​war on drugs” that crim­i­nal­izes pover­ty and addic­tion, and of pris­ons that dehu­man­ize Black and Brown peo­ple — that we must also call for the abo­li­tion of the ​war on ter­ror­ism” scheme, and the laws that enable it. The ter­ror­ism frame­work feeds off the racist crim­i­nal­iza­tion of Mus­lims green lights Israel’s crim­i­nal­iza­tion of any and all resis­tance to its col­o­niza­tion of Pales­tin­ian land, and jus­ti­fies cen­sor­ship in our class­rooms and the crim­i­nal­iza­tion of our speech. 

This ​ter­ror­ism” nar­ra­tive harms the Move­ment for Black Lives, as it does the move­ment for Pales­tin­ian free­dom. When Trump offi­cials call activists for Black Lives ​Black iden­ti­ty extrem­ists” and try to des­ig­nate antifas­cist pro­test­ers as ​ter­ror­ists,” they are mobi­liz­ing law enforce­ment to crim­i­nal­ize and repress jus­tice movements. 

And many oth­er laws are trend­ing towards the crush­ing of move­ments for free­dom: They aim to pun­ish pro­tec­tion of Indige­nous land and resources, to pre­vent action against cli­mate change, to shut down calls for human­i­ty in our immi­gra­tion poli­cies, and evis­cer­ate our right to boy­cott, all achieved by under­min­ing our protest rights.

Biden and all of our elect­ed law­mak­ers have an oppor­tu­ni­ty now to repu­di­ate the Trump era by firm­ly and uncon­di­tion­al­ly putting our con­sti­tu­tion­al and human rights before the inter­ests of a for­eign coun­try whose sys­tem­at­ic vio­la­tions of inter­na­tion­al law the U.S. has con­sis­tent­ly subsidized. 

We need to shift pri­or­i­ties across our domes­tic and for­eign pol­i­cy, as many are advo­cat­ing, so that we stop fund­ing oppres­sion, col­o­niza­tion and author­i­tar­i­an war mon­gers, and start to pri­or­i­tize health­care, edu­ca­tion, hous­ing and human dig­ni­ty for all — not to men­tion the preser­va­tion of the very plan­et on which we all rely. 

It is a long shot that Biden will heed these calls, but we must push him and all our elect­ed rep­re­sen­ta­tives — and it’s not a moment too soon.

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Dima Khalidi | Radio Free (2021-01-06T18:17:00+00:00) If Biden Wants to Turn the Page From Trump, He Should Support Palestinian Freedom. Here Are 2 Immediate Steps. – Biden brings a career-long history of supporting Israel's aggression against Palestinians. That must end now.. Retrieved from

" » If Biden Wants to Turn the Page From Trump, He Should Support Palestinian Freedom. Here Are 2 Immediate Steps. – Biden brings a career-long history of supporting Israel's aggression against Palestinians. That must end now.." Dima Khalidi | Radio Free - Wednesday January 6, 2021,
Dima Khalidi | Radio Free Wednesday January 6, 2021 » If Biden Wants to Turn the Page From Trump, He Should Support Palestinian Freedom. Here Are 2 Immediate Steps. – Biden brings a career-long history of supporting Israel's aggression against Palestinians. That must end now.., viewed ,<>
Dima Khalidi | Radio Free - » If Biden Wants to Turn the Page From Trump, He Should Support Palestinian Freedom. Here Are 2 Immediate Steps. – Biden brings a career-long history of supporting Israel's aggression against Palestinians. That must end now.. [Internet]. [Accessed ]. Available from:
" » If Biden Wants to Turn the Page From Trump, He Should Support Palestinian Freedom. Here Are 2 Immediate Steps. – Biden brings a career-long history of supporting Israel's aggression against Palestinians. That must end now.." Dima Khalidi | Radio Free - Accessed .
" » If Biden Wants to Turn the Page From Trump, He Should Support Palestinian Freedom. Here Are 2 Immediate Steps. – Biden brings a career-long history of supporting Israel's aggression against Palestinians. That must end now.." Dima Khalidi | Radio Free [Online]. Available: [Accessed: ]
» If Biden Wants to Turn the Page From Trump, He Should Support Palestinian Freedom. Here Are 2 Immediate Steps. – Biden brings a career-long history of supporting Israel's aggression against Palestinians. That must end now. | Dima Khalidi | Radio Free | |

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