Justine Teba hosts a star-studded Valentine's Day extravaganza exploring the ins and outs of love and resistance in a settler colonial frame featuring Red Power Host co-hosts Melanie Yazzie and Elena Ortiz and friends of the podcast Jana Schmieding and Dallas Goldtooth. Watch the video edition on The Red Nation Podcast YouTube channel Empower our media work: GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/empower-red-medias-indigenous-content Subscribe to The Red Nation Newsletter: https://www.therednation.org/ Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/redmediapr
- "Everyone deserves love" : TRN Red Valentine
- "It's hard to get rid of us" w/ susan abulhawa
- Counterinsurgency, Leonard Peltier, and Anna Mae Pictou-Aquash w/ Gord Hill
- Bad Indians w/ Gregg Deal
- Leonard Peltier is going home!
- The Red Nation Mixtape Vol. 1
- Kuzkalla #23: Indigenous Research Methodologies w/ Indigenous Scholars Sardana Nikolaeva and Masha Kardashevskaya
- YOTED: Alienation before alienation
- When the Pine Needles Fall w/ Katsi'tsakwas Ellen Gabriel and Sean Carleton
- Best of 2019 mixtape